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You have probably heard of Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy massage, Aromatherapy body scrub, Aromatherapy facial, and such. But what is it really? Aromatherapy is an art that uses the oils of plants – essential oils – to stimulate the body and mind. Most of the body’s senses – smell, touch, and even taste – are engaged by way of the plant oil’s chemical hormones as they are absorbed through the skin and respiratory system.
These hormones act physically on the body, helping to regulate the body’s central nervous system, blood circulation, endocrine (hormones), skin repair and eight other systems to stimulate the body’s own healing powers and improve full body balance and regeneration.

 In addition to the physical effects, these oils produce a number of beneficial mental effects including better muscle coordination, alleviating depression, anxiety, boredom, anger and other negative emotions, and reducing fatigue; all working together to achieve a wonderfully comfortable nexus of body, heart, spirit.

Our therapists have in-depth professional knowledge, accumulated through the experience of a large number of clinical treatments and combined with the essentials of Chinese treatments for disease and physical ailments. We use pure, high-quality, essential oils as the basis for different customers to develop customized physical treatment. We might recommend:

· Swedish massage aimed at relieving stress, muscle soreness and increasing blood circulation;

· Acupressure massage for the relief of work soreness in shoulders, back, or limbs;

· Meridian massage The theoretical basis of Chinese medicine, this type of massage is focuses on the meridian circulation channels, through the body’s meridians and specific points along those meridians for appropriate stimulation.

All forms of massage application can clear local stiffness of the muscle tissue and pain points, alleviate bodily fluid stasis, promote better blood circulation, and improve the functioning of internal organs. Overall, the body’s qi, or innate life energy, is stimulated throughout the meridians, relieving local symptoms of discomfort, and is effective in inhibiting various chronic diseases. The result: enhance immunity, balance hormones, fight aging!